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for Kanjis
Troubleshooting & support
Known issue (dec. 2022)

DDB Access (Windows) mistakenly selects the Japan mirror (test server) as preferred server. It will be corrected in a next release.

In case of problem, click on 'Japan mirror' (top right, dark red) in order to switch to 'Main server' (green).

Access Policies

Two types of access are available:

- Individual users have a DDB login and password.

- Institutions (university libraries and other academic entities) may subscribe for their authorized users.

See http://www.buddhism-dict.net/ddb/ddb-intro.html#access for details.

Individual users

Individual users sign in with their DDB login and password.

Subscribing institutions: students & staff

1) Connect to the university network (*)

2) Launch DDB Access. DO NOT sign in with DDB Access.

The university network is recognized from the IP address or block of addresses specified in the Institutional Agreement (see Access Policies):

(*) Please check with your IT Department how to connect to the university network from campus or from home.

In case of problem:

If this is OK, there should be no problem with DDB Access. Remember: you should NOT sign in with DDB Access.

For any problem

Contact: jean.soulat*orange.fr(replace * with @)